How to Treat Heat Acne: A Summer Nightmare

Summer comes with a lot of fun and sunshine, but unfortunately, with a lot of sweat and new-onset heat acne or worsening of pre-existing acne as well. Considering the high temperatures, it is extremely common for people to experience a summer breakout. Although it is annoying and, at times, painful, there are ways you can treat the breakout. But first, let’s go more into detail as to how they’re formed.

What Causes Heat Pimples?

On hot summer days, you might have noticed that you get more pimples. The summer heat causes increased sweating and oil production, and the humid weather does not allow the sweat to evaporate. As a result, to cool off, our bodies must produce even more sweat, which clogs pores and causes heat pimples.

What Can You Do to Prevent & Treat Them?

Avoid touching your face

How many times do you touch your face throughout the day? Maybe when your forehead itches or you are tired and rest your cheek on your hands. Seems harmless enough, right? Unfortunately, it’s not.

Our hands come in contact with many germs throughout the day through various day-to-day activities such as opening doors, using our phones, or typing on computers. Touching the face consequently with unclean hands just worsens our acne during the hot summer. Therefore, you should avoid touching your face as much as you can so you do not further irritate the skin.

Replace your regular moisturizer with a new one

Hot weather and heavy moisturizers do not work well together. Although the moisturizer you used during cooler months may have done wonders for you, it most likely won’t be as good for the summer. Consider switching from a heavy cream moisturizer to a gel or lotion one.

Adding to your skincare routine, moisturizers with a lighter formula help prevent pores from clogging and, at the same time, offer enough hydration for your skin. Many lightweight moisturizers are oil-free, and perfect for summer when the heat already has your skin producing more oil.

Add sunscreen to your skincare routine

If you don’t already use sunscreen, now is the time to start. Sunscreen is a must all year round, but especially during summer. UV rays can also cause acne flares in patients who are sensitive to the sun, such as those with acne rosacea. UV rays are also the primary cause of skin cancer; therefore, it is best to protect your skin from them. Choose an oil-free sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Use as little makeup as you can

Foundation is another product that can cause your pores to clog, that is why it is best to use as little makeup as you can during the summer. Just like with the moisturizer, you should match your beauty products with the season. Avoid heavy makeup which does not let your skin breathe during hot days, and instead opt for a tinted moisturizer or a bit of concealer. Try to steer clear of any product that has heavy fragrances or heavy emollients. Look for products that state that they are non-comedogenic, meaning they will not clog pores.

Eat well

To prevent a summer breakout, you also have to pay attention to what you are eating. Diets that are heavy in dairy and sugars have been shown to contribute to acne. Although ice cream is delicious, watch out not to overdo it. Skim milk, in particular, has been shown to contribute to acne as well. Instead, opt for a diet that is rich in vegetables and healthy fats such as those found in avocados, walnuts, and fish like salmon.

Seek medical treatment

If your acne is not improving, and the previously mentioned tips do not seem to help, it is best to seek medical help. You can book an appointment with your board-certified dermatologist and they’ll come up with a treatment that is right for you.

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